B Crop認証は今後2年間、そしてそれ以降も、オールプレスがよりサステナブルなブランドとなるための道筋となっていくでしょう。
地域社会、労働者、環境保全を重視するB Corpの取り組みに賛同した私たちは、2025年の認証取得を目指して日々取り組んでいます。
Our Goals
We’ve started implementing our 3-year Modern Slavery plan for green bean suppliers at origin in partnership with EY(published in Asahi’s Modern Slavery statement). Over the coming years, we will survey our partners and growers at origin from whom we source directly.
Reducing emissions
We’re implementing measures to reduce emissions from our internal operations. Aiming for a 50% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions for 2025 (vs. 2021) our current measures include:
Reducing the proportion of air freight for lower impact alternatives.
Moving to a direct delivery model in AU, with all cups and lids being delivered direct from our manufacturer, BioPak
Identifying equipment upgrades to reduce gas usage in operations
Results will be published in a third-party verified impact report in 2024.
Minimising our footprint
Our goals include shifting to 100% renewable purchased electricity, as well as all our packaging to be recyclable, reusable, or compostable by 2025. This goal includes 100% kerbside recyclable coffee bags. We are also working towards zero waste to landfill by 2030.
An inclusive and safe environment for everyone
Continuously working to remove barriers and bias, we’re building inclusive and diverse teams. We’re committed to creating a safe environment where all people feel valued, respected and engaged.