Technical Support at Allpress

The technical support we offer our customers is second to none. If there’s anything odd happening with your machine, or you just want to yarn with one of the experts, never hesitate to give us a call.

If you’re working with the best coffee in the world, you need to be pairing it with the finest equipment to brew delicious espresso. At Allpress Espresso, we supply industry leading machinery, grinders, support and know-how to ensure every café is functioning at its absolute best. 

Our Technical Team

All installations, repairs and maintenance are carried out by Allpress-employed technicians. This means our service is the most reliable, personal and accountable you’ll find. With our technical teams on call during evenings and weekends, you have open lines of communication with the experts if you’re ever in need.  We build servicing programs based on how much coffee you’re brewing to prevent machinery failure and prolong the life of your equipment. Most servicing is scheduled outside of busy service hours to ensure minimal downtime of your machine, meaning no lost sales.


Every Allpress space has designated technical workshops where our techs are bench testing, repairing and rebuilding machines. With our replacement machinery housed locally, we’ve got machinery on standby in an emergency to ensure you can continue to make coffee if anything goes awry in the café. 

Eliminating Loss of sale

With scheduled servicing pre-empting any issues, our on-site technical support is focused on eliminating loss of sales due to machinery breakdown, never leaving you out in the cold. Although they specialise in espresso machine repair and service, Allpress techs know a thing or two about brewing our coffee too. Most were accomplished baristas before picking up the tools, so they know exactly how stressful it is if your machinery is playing up. If maintenance is required during service hours, our techs can lend a hand making coffee as they work.

"Having technicians who I can call anytime is a huge weight off my shoulders. I highly recommend working with Allpress" - Bread Ahead Bakery - London

If there’s something that can’t be fixed in your cafe, machinery is brought back to our workshops where we can get things running smoothly again. To eliminate downtime while your equipment is under repair, we have a range of backups ready to swap in while we fix machinery locally. When they’re not servicing or installing machinery, our techs are in-house rebuilding machines, restoring them to prime condition to be installed at new customer locations.


We only recommend machinery and equipment that we’ve used in our own live cafe environments. We’ve experienced first-hand how consistent and reliable they are, which is why we provide them to our customers with the confidence that you’ll love them as much as we do.

All machines and grinders are bench tested in our workshops before they’re sent out for installation. This simple process exposes any factory faults and makes sure your cafe hits the ground running from day one.

The La Marzocco difference

La Marzocco has always been the choice for our customers. Since we first began distributing LM in Australia and New Zealand, we’ve been committed to using these superior machines. 

We’ve experienced first-hand how consistent and reliable they are, which is why we provide them to our customers with the confidence that you’ll love them as much as we do. 


Scheduled servicing requires aging parts to regularly be replaced and maintained. Any consumable parts replaced are charged at cost price, with larger critical components 100% discounted. Perfect espresso can only be brewed on a well-maintained machine, let us do the hard work. 

Emergency Response Technical Support

We have emergency support lines available for out of hours calls and on weekends, so our support team are never too far away. Many machinery issues can be resolved by our customer service teams, meaning you’re likely to learn some technical know-how for free over the phone from our team. All larger machinery issues get passed on to our techs for prioritised support.

The technical support we offer to our customers is second to none. If there’s anything odd happening with your machine, or you just want to yarn with one of the experts, never hesitate to give us a call.

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